The #1 Alternative to Infusionsoft


Infusionsoft is one of the biggest names in online business these days. And for good reason — they've been around since the internet boom began.


But, just because they've got the history, doesn't mean they've kept up with the times. For instance, they’ve neglected many important aspects of video marketing, affiliate marketing, membership sites, and help desk features for customer service — all of which have truly revolutionized the modern sales process.


Infusionsoft is also known to be confusing and clunky, often requiring people to hire programmers and Infusionsoft experts just to get their platforms up and running.


Not to mention their basic plans are very expensive, and the services are limited based on the package you choose. And what if you need additional features like ecommerce or membership sites? Well...that’ll cost you extra for separate plugins!


If you’re ready to skip the complex integrations, and get MORE from your software (without paying more), then look no further than Kartra. With Kartra, you won’t have to try to tie a bunch of different tools together and figure out "tech stuff" like Infusionsoft.


Kartra does every bit of that for you.


Kartra takes care of emails, landing pages, squeeze pages, thank you pages, premium video, membership sites, checkouts, and a million other things. EVERYTHING. Our clients rave about how much money they save with Kartra because our HUGE feature-list allows them to cancel a bunch of other marketing tool subscriptions.


Oh, and did we mention Kartra is substantially LESS than Infusionsoft...but it does SO much more?!



Nothing tells and sells like video. For marketing your products and offering content to your customers, video is a must-have.

Video Marketing

  • It's no secret that video marketing is important to a business — after all, marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. So why waste valuable marketing dollars on a platform like Infusionsoft that has very minimal video marketing capabilities? In fact, you’ll need to purchase a third party plugin, like Wistia, to even host videos.


    Luckily for you, however, video marketing is where Kartra really shines. Not only does Kartra video hosting allow you to add compelling CTAs at any point in the video you choose, but it also automatically tags viewers based on their behavior.


    Customer didn’t watch the whole video? No problem. The tags will show you that and instantly activate automations — such as sending a follow up email, entering your viewer into a special offer campaign, subscribing them to a list and more — so you can still convert that lead into a customer!

Membership Sites

Membership sites aren't just a way to deliver content to your customers; they are one of the most reliable sources of steady, passive income each month that a business owner can have.


Yet, infusionsoft doesn't even have membership site capabilities. In fact, you’ll need to purchase an additional plugin like Memberium or iMember360 just to manage memberships. Furthermore, neither of these platforms offer the same robust reporting that Kartra does, so many Infusionsoft users purchase yet another plugin to get even slightly close to the reporting capabilities that we offer.


Kartra not only makes it easy for you to deliver and time release (drip) your valuable content to your customers, but we also offer a specific portal to manage and analyze your members and their behaviors.


With Kartra's flexibility and simplicity, just imagine how quickly you can grow your business by offering your products in memberships.

With Kartra Memberships, it's easy to transform a mere content library into a wonderful step-by-step learning experience for your users.

Marketing without analytics is like driving with a blindfold on — it's reckless and likely to end up without good results.

Robust Reporting

Unlike Infusionsoft, Kartra's analytics instantly give you a clear view of what's working and what's not with real-time, 360-degree data that is visually represented and easy-to-read.


Infusionsoft doesn’t offer split testing, leaving you in the dark about what campaigns are working and what aren’t. Often times Infusionsoft users spend even more money to download an analytics plugin, like WickedReports, to get the details they need.


If you’re not an analytics guru, good luck using Infusionsoft’s reporting — hardly anything is visualized, so you’ll have to constantly crunch data on your own and draw your own conclusions. This leaves room for too many errors. Kartra, on the other hand, automatically tracks the consumer’s behavior from start to finish for every marketing campaign you run. With Kartra, all your essential tools are IN the platform, not connected via third party integrations, so you're getting a complete picture without any possible data transfer errors.


With Kartra you’re not only retaining subscribers, but gaining the most complete image of your marketing initiatives and their ROI.


Did you know it costs FIVE times as much to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one? That's why customer service is vital to your business's success. Yet, Infusionsoft doesn't even have a helpdesk — meaning you'll need to purchase yet another software to do this vital service.


 Fortunately with Kartra… our helpdesk is built right into our platform! This allows you to easily provide immediate customer support via live chat, and our built-in email reply system will make your customers feel heard and help you minimize errors.

Your customers deserve your attention. Kartra Helpdesks makes sure no customer is left behind.

Nothing grows your revenue like a network of affiliates spreading the good word about your offerings. And nothing makes it simpler to grow your affiliate network than Kartra.

Affiliate Management

  • Imagine building an army of people that all enthusiastically promote your product on a daily basis and create a lasting impact on your overall sales! This is called affiliate marketing, and to convince people to sell your products your affiliate process should be seamless and exciting...


    Unfortunately, the Infusionsoft affiliate portal is known to be confusing and unreliable, allowing your affiliates to easily make mistakes, like picking the wrong link for the wrong banner or even emailing the wrong template with the wrong information.


    Kartra’s done-for-you campaigns eliminate confusion, and include options for incentivising, paying and communicating with your affiliates, all in one place, so you can effortlessly grow your network without the stress or number crunching.


    Are you interested in gaining residual income as well? Well, unlike Infusionsoft, Kartra offers an awesome affiliate marketplace to both FIND affiliates to sell your products AND become one yourself! And what if you really love Kartra and want to promote our product?! Well, we offer you 40% commission on affiliate sales and Infusionsoft only offers their affiliates 30%....


    If you’re new to affiliate marketing and need additional help, don’t worry! All of our affiliates are assigned a dedicated affiliate manager that’s on call to offer you any additional support you may need!

Why Business Owners Like You Made the Switch

Angel Santos

Founder/CEO Grow My Brand, Marketing Agency

"Infusionsoft...was very clunky and overly complicated, they charge extra fees for training that isn't necessary and only deliver a fraction of the services I needed. With Kartra I got everything I needed and more!"

Derek Owen


"This is a great community. Having Spent 7 years with Infusionsoft and in the process of extracting myself -- this is heaps better in terms of Support"


Jaleel Mans

CEO of High Velocity Global, Marketing Agency

“Kartra really filled in the gaps where infusionsoft didn't. I've spent lots of time struggling to put integrations together for landing pages builders, video systems, and for SMS features, but it just seems like and feels like Kartra has it all together."

See How They Stack Up Against Kartra’s Powerful Features













Trusted By Marketers Worldwide

All those features AND Kartra saves you money?!

Another reason Kartra is a better alternative? We don’t surprise you with hidden fees for added features. What you see is what you pay for!


Unlike Infusionsoft, Kartra doesn’t require you to pay extra to utilize all the features we offer — if you want to use our product, you get it in its entirety, no matter the package you select.


Infusionsoft also charges you a mandatory “Kickstart fee” that can range from $1500-$4000 for a training program that teaches you how to become an “expert” in Infusionsoft. Unfortunately, many people still find the platform to be too confusing, even after their mandatory training, and are forced to spend even more money to hire developers to set up their systems properly.


As if that wasn’t enough, Infusionsoft charges over 80% MORE than Kartra for the same number of contacts. If you want additional features, such as ecommerce or membership site features...that’ll be extra too. Need a feature Infusionsoft doesn’t have? Have fun setting up that integration + paying ANOTHER subscription fee for a third-party tool.


With Kartra, you won’t need to hire an army of coders or pay for “mandatory training” to start using our system with ease. Our programmers have done all the work for you, so everything is already integrated for you straight out of the box. Choosing Kartra is the right choice because our product comes packed with every tool you’ll need to effortlessly run your online business.


You know what they say: time is money, and Kartra saves you a lot of both!


  • Up to 2,500 Leads

  • 1 custom domain

  • 15,000 emails /mo

  • 50 GB bandwidth

  • Host 100 pages

  • Host 50 videos

  • Sell 20 products

  • Build 2 membership sites

  • Add 1 additional team member

  • Connect 1 helpdesk

  • Agency not included

$1 for 14 days 

then $99/month

Annual billing saves $240

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 12,500 Leads

  • 3 custom domains

  • Unlimited emails

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited pages

  • Unlimited videos

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited membership sites

  • Unlimited team members

  • Unlimited helpdesks

  • Kartra Agency

$1 for 14 days

then $199/month

Annual billing saves $600

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 25,000 Leads

  • 5 custom domains

  • Unlimited emails

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited pages

  • Unlimited videos

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited membership sites

  • Unlimited team members

  • Unlimited helpdesks

  • Kartra Agency

$1 for 14 days 

then $299/month

Annual billing saves $840

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 50,000 Leads

  • 10 custom domains

  • Unlimited emails

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited pages

  • Unlimited videos

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited membership sites

  • Unlimited team members

  • Unlimited helpdesks

  • Kartra Agency

$1 for 14 days 

then $499/month

Annual billing saves $1440

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 2,500 Leads

  • 1 custom domain

  • 15,000 emails /mo

  • 50 GB bandwidth

  • Host 100 pages

  • Host 50 videos

  • Sell 20 products

  • Build 2

    membership sites

  • Add 1 additional
    team member

  • Connect 1 helpdesk

  • Agency not included

$1 for 14 days 


when billed annually

Save $240 a year

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 12,500 Leads

  • 3 custom domains

  • Unlimited emails

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited pages

  • Unlimited videos

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited membership sites

  • Unlimited 

    team members

  • Unlimited helpdesk

  • Kartra Agency

$1 for 14 days 


when billed annually

Save $600 a year

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 25,000 Leads

  • 5 custom domains

  • Unlimited emails

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited pages

  • Unlimited videos

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited membership sites

  • Unlimited 

    team members

  • Unlimited  helpdesk

  • Kartra Agency

$1 for 14 days 


when billed annually

Save $840 a year

  • Your order is safe and secure


  • Up to 50,000 Leads

  • 10 custom domains

  • Unlimited emails

  • Unlimited bandwidth

  • Unlimited pages

  • Unlimited videos

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited membership sites

  • Unlimited 

    team members

  • Unlimited helpdesk

  • Kartra Agency

$1 for 14 days 


when billed annually

Save $1440 a year

  • Your order is safe and secure


For Enterprise level accounts please contact support 

When you switch to Kartra today, you'll get MORE powerful features with less confusion.


When you choose Kartra, you gain a family. We have an online community with 10,000 members and growing — so your questions will never go unanswered, and you’ll always receive the support you need! We also offer a robust marketplace community and a “Done For You” campaign community where users can download funnels from fellow marketing experts on the platform.


Why spend time on web development when that’s not your forte? The best thing about Kartra is its simplicity!


With our drag and drop features your marketing campaigns will be created easily, look fantastic, and run themselves!


From websites, to email marketing, shopping cart technology, and more — Kartra truly is the first all-inclusive online marketing platform.


Kartra seamlessly integrates all the essential marketing tools your business needs in one super-easy, radically-affordable platform. Get ready to boost your bottom line from the very first login.

Got questions? We've got the answers!

Is Kartra PCI and GDPR compliant?

What platforms and services does Kartra replace?

What else is included?

Do I need design skills?

What are the system requirements?

Do my pages have to be hosted on Kartra?

How secure is Kartra?

Can I cancel or change plans anytime?

Why is your pricing so good?

Which package should I choose?

Does Kartra integrate with other platforms?

Do I need coding skills?

Can I use my own domain?

Are You Ready To Join the Kartra Revolution?